Welcome to my blog! I'm a professional dog trainer. I train dogs in the homes of my clients, at their convenience. So...I spend a lot of time driving, thinking, and praying. These are my musings, put down on electronic paper. Pull up a comfy chair, get something refreshing to drink, a snack if you like, and enjoy the journey...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Forward...and Introduction

Well...this is my first adventure into the world of blogging! I've always liked to write, and I've always been a bit of a deep thinker. One day, while I was driving, I thought again about how much I'd like to write a book someday. I've never really felt like I had enough to say to put between two covers that would interest anyone for 300 pages! My heart in writing this blog is really just keeping track of my own journey through life. I'm a professional dog trainer, so I spend many, many hours each week with amazing creatures who teach me so much about myself, their owners, themselves, God, and...well...life! I'm a pretty firm believer that God uses whatever is handy to teach us what He wants us to know. In my case, that journey is through my experiences with dogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading, and I hope you'll discover that God will give you your own life's journey, different than mine, but no less exciting, which can be seen through the lens of whatever happens to be your passion.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see that you have started this blog. You have so many stories about such wonderful dogs to share that I look forward to reading every word.
